To follow common everyday work-ease guidelines, unexpected travel this week has caused a delay on the continuation of the blog on work hustle. One may come later this week when I am settled once again in familiar surroundings or perhaps in next week.
This note does represent a reminder to you to make sure you continue to consider some of the ramifications of hustling. Backed by research, a few are:
- Hustling can be draining, both emotionally and physically
- Despite what some may believe, hustling really does not improve productivity
- Hustling may only lead to short-term success
- It could cause issues in everyday relationships
- It creates areas of unnecessary external competition
- If the idea of hustling is not halted, it won’t halt. It will continue to control every facet of life
Life is precious. Be sure to treat yourself well. Remember also to take time out when there’s a sense of chaos or overwhelm.
Enjoy this week!